What I want to tell you about Solstice

Photo by Nazrin B-va on Unsplash

December 21st, 2020. Winter Solstice. Grand Conjunction. Aquarian Age.

To be honest, I don’t know what most of this technically means, though there are many experts out there who could break it down for you quite easily.

What I want to tell you about Solstice has to do with what I know for sure — ENERGY.

I am wired to read energy. I see it, feel it, hear it, and make sense of what’s presenting on that energetic level so you (and I) best know how to work with it. My lens is mostly fine tuned to energy psychology — how to best navigate the dynamics that exist underneath the surface of life, namely in the relationships we have with ourselves and others.

I’m a combo of messenger, mirror, and translator. Not just the deliverer of information, but what to do about it. Kind of like if pragmatism and woo had a baby, it would be me.

Energy often shows up to me in more nuanced ways than what is seen or said physically. When there’s a shift, I sense it, definitely personally, and often collectively. My first go to internal question is — What’s up with the energy and how can we optimize within it?

About 6 months before the upcoming Solstice, my inner radar was LIT UP. Something big is coming. Given the clarity that came through around this, I knew it was important to share it with you so you can be as present, conscious, and grounded for what’s going on, as it is a big part of why you’re here right now. The timing of you being alive during this highly charged energy period is absolutely a soul driven choice. Your spirit wanted to experience it.

Now, what’s up with the energy…

An energetic view of the last 10 years

Let’s hop back in time to see the layout energetically for the past 10 years. You’ll notice a lead up to right now.

2010–2012 New moves, decisions, bigger transition points. Almost as if life is gearing you up for the next phase. Except you don’t step right into that next phase, not as you envision it. It takes awhile. Your clarity isn’t as crisp or detailed as you’d like it to be. Sometimes, it feels sludgy and slow trying to get ahead. But it also seems like a definitive turning point in life.

2012–2015 You begin to settle in, and think this is the new way, but just as you get cosy in this new reality, unexpected challenges are taking place in what feels like a more than usual fashion. You keep finding the sweet spots and things to be grateful for, but you’re starting to feel like what the heck, lay off of me life!

2016–2019 Similar period to the first, new transitions again, you think you’ve found your groove, but this time a more MASSIVE clearing and big changes — in relationships, of questioning your role within the world, of knowing who you are and what you’re about, beginning to feel more confident but only after at least one dark night of the soul where things haven’t gone according to your ego’s plan.

2020 Lots of commotion on the collective level. You are compelled to find your still point. Why? Because you have to. You are being asked to level up your discernment so you can intuitively know what is relevant and resonant for you to pay attention to, as fear narratives abound everywhere, and many are freaking out (sometimes, including you).

You get crystal clear on what’s important to you. Decide you are no longer willing to compromise your truth or your life. No more masks (ironically as they begin to be required in some places). There’s major changes happening. Your personal world over the past decade has prepared you for the global shift that has gone this year. Now, you find your gratitude, your breath, your connection with Spirit, and you’ve found your real power. This then informs you around what’s coming up next.

Timeline Shift & Choice Point — December 21st, 2020

Imagine for a moment, the trajectory of your life from a linear perspective. See a line, with your past on the left half of the line and your future on the right half of the line. Your present is you, right now, a little dot in the middle. You walk the line of your life, right? Ah, if only life were that simple!

What’s more realistic of how we operate in the world is with each foot on two different timelines. One foot is firmly on the timeline of fear around the future, including limited thinking loops, hold back habits, and traumas of the past driving your bus. Your perception and behavior reflect this.

The other foot is solidly (hopefully) on the timeline of a future vision that represents your hopes, dreams, and desires. You consciously make an effort to think thoughts which support the outcomes you’d like and act accordingly as well.

These two projected future timelines run parallel to the one we call your life. It makes it a little tricky to effectively move ahead when your feet are navigating different ground beneath them. It’s not one solid walkway where you can move at a rhythmic or aligned pace.

So, what happens on December 21st?

Those two timelines you’re standing in, they split further away from each other, the gap widens. It is a distinct timeline shift. You may even feel a “ca-chunk” like a land mass splitting apart. No joke. Especially if you are energy aware and sensitive to subtlety. Heads up!

Many are thinking of the timeline shift on the 21st in greatly polarized ways — from the dark to the light, from fear to love, from 3D to 5D. Take your pick. It certainly has an underlying sense of — are you going down with the titanic or are you grabbing a lifeboat. Except that lifeboat is YOU.

It’s you putting both of your feet onto your actual timeline, not the ones running parallel to it. You becoming present to the choice point here and saying “THIS. This is what I’m committing to creating. For myself. For the kind of life I’d like everyone to experience (think needs met, systems supporting, bridges built, integration happening, wholeness underway).”

You are here to play your role in this — together, with all of us who also chose to be here at this time. It’s a shift from me to we, not in theory or philosophy, but in reality and practice. Those — in the minority — who have led the way up to this point will now be joined by many others, including you, should you choose. The energy of life and consciousness itself is asking you to choose, not just for your life but with the collective in mind.

What I do know about Aquarian energy is that it’s a time for groups and the collective in general to rise. It’s the masses saying no more to a matrix mindset. There’s a soul reclamation going on. Major change is happening on every level and in every system — economy, politics, health, environment, education, how and who we love. We are craving the freedom that is our divine birthright. Different people obviously have different ideas around what that means. It’s our job to start and better contribute to this conversation; exploring the role of our relationship to power and to each other.

It will be a revolutionary ride — December 21st. 2021. The next decade.

This is what I want to tell you about Solstice.

Choose well. Hat tip to our guides and the divine, always lighting the way for us and reminding us there is one.

Originally published at https://www.vasmith.com/blog/2020/12/18/what-i-want-to-tell-you-about-solstice



Vanessa Smith - Energy Guidance (vasmith.com)

Here to shift consciousness & build a new paradigm of healing with other transformational focused healer-teacher-messengers, creatives, & eco-guardians.