Weekly Energy Review #4 -Re-Emergence

Welcome to the weekly energy review! The info here is timeless & applicable outside of the date noted.

Energy reviews help you integrate what you’ve just been through, how you handled it, and who you are now after you’ve shifted the energy. Not predictive or prescriptive, simply my read of what’s resonant to share.

When you realize we are all collectively working through the same themes, it’s liberating. We may be influenced by energy, but how we respond to it shapes and creates the future. Never underestimate your power to shift the landscape of life, especially your own.

Do note: There was no weekly energy review last week as I was napping the entire time due to the energy. Ha.

On to the themes…

This week, April 18–23, the key energy themes I saw were:

  • Stabilization
  • Self Doubt
  • Plasma Time

The overall umbrella theme this week was RE-EMERGENCE.

What the overall theme points to is the underlying intention of each of the energy themes being presented. You can have the same energy theme on a different week, but with a different end goal. That’s why I like to bring up both the themes themselves and the overarching theme, as it gives you a better idea of how to work with the energy.

The intention of this week’s overall theme of re-emergence was all about feeling the inner tug to engage in the world more so than you have been, even if you don’t quite feel ready yet.


There’s been a sensation rising within our system that feels like steadiness. Even in the moments when you don’t feel so steady, there’s a core strengthening that has taken place. We feel more solid and not as knocked over when buttons get pushed. It’s as if we can meet the moment with a different kind of presence, allowing our inherent, steady, stable, soul energy to respond rather than a triggered, trauma reaction. Because of this energy shift there’s a sense of relief. Like there’s room to breathe again because our breath, our core, our light, is steady. Stabilization must be the foundation for true growth, progress, and potential to occur.


Interestingly, next to the stabilizing energy we’ve had is also this wave of self doubt. If you’ve been second guessing yourself, your decisions, your actions, your words, you’re right on track with the energy this week! Though we are energetically feeling a tug to be more “out there” connecting with people, doing the things whatever they are, you may find yourself hesitating. If so, know that it’s ok and will pass. We are essentially recalibrating to a new energy.

Before you act, speak, decide on anything — double and triple check in with your intuition. This way, you are setting a different precedent around how you respond to the energy of self-doubt. Instead of dancing with the shadow and lower frequency trying to keep you in doubt and old patterns of limitation, realize you have a choice and can respond differently. In doing so, you are aiding and accelerating the stabilization previously talked about.


I wasn’t sure what else to call this besides what it feels and looks like to me. It’s as if time has a consistency, a tangibility to it. Similar to molasses, but more malleable and faster moving. It feels like time is less of a number construct and more of an energy between objects, between people. It is stretched out, connected, and always in motion. If you’re sensitive to energy and have been feeling woozy lately, this is likely why. The nature of time is changing. As we become more centered in the present moment, we allow ourselves to feel life more. Our senses are becoming more heightened, which can be both delightful and disorienting! Like with all things, we will adjust to this too. For now though, roll with it and affirm that if you’re sensing things are a little (or A LOT) different frequency wise, it’s true!

About Weekly Energy Reviews…

The way I discern what these themes are is by:

  • Paying attention to what’s up in my own life
  • Noting the celebrations & challenges clients are sharing
  • Seeing my social media timelines blow up with posts on the same topics

Reading this article will increase your ability to read the energy. This provides so many benefits, including no longer personalizing your ups and downs, and seeing yourself as a more integral piece of the overall picture.

Always remember, no matter what you, psychics, or “experts” think about what the future holds, the bottom line is we shape and create it by how we interface with the present moment.

Thanks so much for reading and being part of my online community.



ⓒ Vanessa Smith 2022 All rights reserved. Stay in integrity and credit author when sharing.



Vanessa Smith - Energy Guidance (vasmith.com)

Here to shift consciousness & build a new paradigm of healing with other transformational focused healer-teacher-messengers, creatives, & eco-guardians.