Weekly Energy Review #3 — BALANCE

Welcome to the weekly energy review! The info here is timeless & applicable outside of the date noted.

Energy reviews help you integrate what you’ve just been through, how you handled it, and who you are now after you’ve shifted the energy. Not predictive or prescriptive, simply my read of what’s resonant to share.

When you realize we are all collectively working through the same themes, it’s liberating. We may be influenced by energy, but how we respond to it shapes and creates the future. Never underestimate your power to shift the landscape of life, especially your own.

On to the themes…

This week, April 4–9, the key energy themes I saw were:

  • Tensegrity
  • Alchemy
  • Boundaries

The overall umbrella theme this week was BALANCE.

What the overall theme points to is the underlying goal of the energy themes being presented. You can have the same energy theme on a different week, but with a different end goal. That’s why I like to bring up both the themes themselves and the overarching theme as it gives you a better idea of how to work with the energy. The intention of this week’s overall theme of balance is to bring back a sense of homeostasis to your system.


Have you heard of this term before? It initially popped into my mind a few years ago. This week, it showed back up. Tensegrity is essentially the space between tension and integrity. It’s a term used more frequently in reference to structures and structural properties. This can be applied to both buildings and bodies.

Let’s talk about as related to energy though…

When we feel the tension or pull in our own system to move in a certain direction but we don’t do so, that tension will grow in us. As it does, it begins to call out our integrity. Are we in integrity with ourselves if we ignore the call to move forward in some way? Where do you compromise your integrity? Do you choose to give up or give in when things become more tense? Do you forego your integrity by allowing the tension to take over?

These key questions were inherently and unconsciously raised this week. We were being asked to examine where there is tension and how are we being (or not being) in integrity as we address that tension. Nobody wants to compromise their integrity, their truth — yet there are all these subtle ways we do as soon as tension arises. This week energetically had us paying attention to the interplay between the tension and the integrity in our lives. What did you notice?


With alchemy, there’s something within your system or psyche that’s reaching for a shift, transformation, or longer term change. The tug toward alchemy doesn’t show up lightly. It’s only when you’re ready to actually change things, because to engage in alchemy, there’s got to be a reaching for it, an intention behind it, an idealized goal or outcome. What are you wanting to alchemize in your life? What is begging to be turned to compost from crap?

Humanity generally has two options to choose from when it comes to creating change

1) Alchemize in order to optimize


2) Ignore it and hope it changes on its own

Everyone usually does a mix of both. Sometimes, it’s hard to look at the hard stuff! We convince ourselves that we’ll make the time for it later. But, what turning point are you waiting for? Why not address it now?

There is no perfect time. You may never be ready. And that’s why we’re gifted with being able to be alchemists. It starts with our intentions, perspectives, and actions. If you’re going to think, feel, and act anyway, why not do so in a way that alchemizes your reality into that which you’d prefer to experience?


How much power do you leak when you don’t draw the line with yourself or others?

A boundary is one of the best ways to take a stand, get clearer on where you stand, and set the standard for what’s acceptable and appreciated by you.

This week’s energy was begging for boundaries — around how you spend your time, who you interact with and how, the level of self-care needed (which was much higher this week), what you eat, what energy you pick up. Having boundaries, and knowing which ones to set, takes practice, reflection, and knowing yourself. We change over time, and therefore, our boundaries must too.

Did you set more boundaries this week? Did you override boundaries that were set? Are you more clear now on what it’s time to change and have a boundary around? Do the boundaries you have create a sense of balance within your inner and outer world?

Powerful questions and themes to reflect upon! Would love to hear your experience of these 3 themes in your life. Share in the comments below!

About Weekly Energy Reviews…

The way I discern what these themes are is by:

  • Paying attention to what’s up in my own life
  • Noting the celebrations & challenges clients are sharing
  • Seeing my social media timelines blow up with posts on the same topics

Reading this article will increase your ability to read the energy. This provides so many benefits, including no longer personalizing your ups and downs, and seeing yourself as a more integral piece of the overall picture.

Always remember, no matter what you, psychics, or “experts” think about what the future holds, the bottom line is we shape and create it by how we interface with the present moment.

Thanks so much for reading and being part of my online community.



ⓒ Vanessa Smith 2022 All rights reserved. Stay in integrity and credit author when sharing.



Vanessa Smith - Energy Guidance (vasmith.com)

Here to shift consciousness & build a new paradigm of healing with other transformational focused healer-teacher-messengers, creatives, & eco-guardians.