Weekly Energy Review #2: RESTORE

Welcome to the weekly energy review where we get to look at what’s up with the energy, how it’s influencing you, and what you can do about that.

Not predictive nor prescriptive, simply my read of the key energy themes on in this past week. When you realize we are all collectively working through the same themes, it’s highly liberating.

We may be influenced by energy, but how we respond to it shapes and creates the future. Never underestimate your power to shift the landscape of life, especially your own.

This week, March 28-April 2, the key energy themes I saw were:

  • Unfounded anxiety
  • Gleeful anticipation
  • Restoring your sense of self

The overall umbrella theme of this week was RESTORE. All the individual that themes came up this week were for the purpose of restoring you, filling you in with the most aligned expression of yourself.

Sometimes, in order to do this, there needs to be a release of thought blocks, energy patterning, densities — basically anything sitting in your space and field that have been weighing you down.

Old belief systems, perceptions, habits, and feelings were being magnetically, energetically pulled out of our system this past week. So, if you found yourself having a reaction to life that was more like the way you used to be, it was simply like an energy cloud moving through. It didn’t mean you were taking steps back, off of your path, or losing momentum. What a relief!


Though it’s often thought that anxiety is a feeling in and of itself, what it looks like to me energetically, is more of a physical reaction or sensation that your body does when you don’t like what you’re thinking or feeling.

Anxiety is code for “I feel powerless around how I’m thinking and feeling. I don’t want to be thinking or feeling these things.” It is in many ways a form of resistance to what is happening. The way our body processes that is through the sensation of anxiety. Not a thought or feeling, but a physical reaction to a thought or feeling.

When you understand the origin of anxiety, it helps you let go of being anxious about being anxious!

It’s like a permission slip to dig deeper and gain some awareness of what you are truly thinking or feeling that’s causing the anxiety response in your system. Once you know this, you can free yourself from the feeling rather than being bound to it.

The unfounded aspect of the anxiety this week was that the anxiety wasn’t hooked into any particular thought or feeling. It was a sense of “Eeek, I have no idea what’s causing this, why it’s dropping in, what I’m even anxious about.”

And that is exactly it — the unfounded anxiety wasn’t related to your personal experience. It was more like a detox energy clearing out of your system.

This is why it’s key to know about energy. You learn that it’s not always about some “deficit” you have. It’s simply energy moving through. This is just how it happened to show up for the collective this week.


On what seems like the opposite side of the spectrum of unfounded anxiety, gleeful anticipation also dropped in as a theme, seemingly out of the blue.

Usually when we are happy or excited about something, it tends to be linked to specifics. Not this week.

You may have felt quite happy, looking forward to the future, like everything was going to be not only ok but great — but you couldn’t put your finger on why you felt like that or where that feeling was coming from.

Humans love to make sense of things. We want to know why we are feeling or thinking a certain way, to point to the evidence so we can justify what appears to be a random thought or emotion popping in.

Sometimes, there is no reason why other than it’s the energy!

This initially can feel a little crazy making, especially if you’re energetically sensitive because you’ll be riding up and down these waves with more intensity. But again, that’s why knowing it’s not you, it’s the energy, can be so liberating. You can get off your own back and simply learn to be a better surfer.

Which brings me to the last theme of this week…


Usually we can only take so much of intense ups and downs, riding the scales of consciousness in how we are responding to life. That’s why it’s key to cultivate a deeper sense of self. Connecting with your soul, higher self, Source, your truth and values, your vision and mission, are some prime ways to do so.

The energy this week was much more supportive in being able to do this.

After swinging back and forth between unfounded anxiety and gleeful anticipation, there was a calmness that took over. It was a feeling of being restored, as if you know yourself better now and your overall sense of self was more filled in with an upgraded identity of who you are now. There was a certain kind of inner peace, resiliency, and strength that came with this restoration. A glorious way to be, and definitely something to nurture within yourself.

A power packed week! As you reflect on how these themes showed up for you, make note of any insights that come through, then apply those new knowings to your life. That’s how change happens!

About Weekly Energy Reviews…

The way I discern what these themes are is by:

  • Paying attention to what’s up in my own life
  • Noting the celebrations & challenges clients are sharing
  • Seeing my social media timelines blow up with posts on the same topics

Reading this article will increase your ability to read the energy. This provides so many benefits, including no longer personalizing your ups and downs, and seeing yourself as a more integral piece of the overall picture.

Always remember, no matter what you, psychics, or “experts” think about what the future holds, the bottom line is we shape and create it by how we interface with the present moment.

Thanks so much for reading and being part of my online community.

For transformational focused healers, teachers, and messengers here to shift consciousness and build a new paradigm of healing, activate the next level of your path here.



ⓒ Vanessa Smith 2022 All rights reserved. Stay in integrity and credit author when sharing.



Vanessa Smith - Energy Guidance (vasmith.com)

Here to shift consciousness & build a new paradigm of healing with other transformational focused healer-teacher-messengers, creatives, & eco-guardians.