Building a new paradigm of healing

What would it take to build a new paradigm of healing, health, and true well-being?

We could debate for awhile about what it means to be truly healthy, to thrive. But the truth is, everyone has a different — and valid — experience of what that would look like for them. Our narratives are a mix of personal anecdote, cultural influence, family imprint, spiritual relationship, and of course, the larger collective storyline.

No matter where you stand or what your perception is on the experience of the last few years, the end game to focus on should be vitality, right?

How can we be pro-active, educated, and self-responsible participants in a truly empowered system of healing?

What are the factors that have supported your healing, at a root level, so you actually experience a deeper transformation and optimization of your health and well-being?

Answering these questions will help inform, shape, create, and build a new paradigm of healing. To make this a sustainable endeavor to undertake, there must be a solid foundation of guiding principles that speak to how we are evolving and what is most important to consider as we move forward on this great task.

Top 5 Principles in Building a New Paradigm of Healing

  • Trauma informed
  • Aligned with your design
  • Wholeness based, consciousness oriented
  • Through authentic connection and community
  • Intuitively driven, facilitated by well matched experts

Trauma informed — Having a baseline understanding of trauma is key. It not only shapes health, it often creates it. You’d be surprised to realize how many daily lifestyle choices are born out of unhealed trauma. Being able to spot trauma patterning in your language, physical body, emotional responses, and relationship dynamics (including at work) is the entry point for healing. Once you are trauma informed, the type of presence you can offer yourself and others in the healing and health quest is unparalleled.

Aligned with your design — From biochemical individuality to health for your human design, we all have a unique system which needs different kinds of support. This is the next level evolvement of the statement “One size does not fit all.” It’s easy to logically get that we are all different — body type, blood type, stage of life, etc. Take it up a notch and consider how to heal yourself with medicines and methodologies which are quite literally aligned with your unique design. There are many lenses through which you can learn your design, a few examples include human design and gene keys, astrology chart, and energy assessment. Your design is the key to your personal freedom and purpose aligned life.

Wholeness based, consciousness oriented — The paradigm shift we are primarily undergoing is one of consciousness. The more aware we become of who we are, why we are here, how we are connected, and how spirituality shapes the entire construct of this awareness, is the larger shift that humanity is undergoing right now. As consciousness expands so too must the ways in which we facilitate healing. The systems we exist within — mental, emotional, energetic, physical, and spiritual — are all equally as informative when it comes to health and healing. They interplay with each other to create an overall experience of well-being or not. Approaching the healing experience from the standpoint of holism, aided by holistic approaches to healing, will only strengthen you. Always remember, you are whole and holy. It’s in this remembrance that we take better care of ourselves.

Through authentic connection and community — Health struggles, and even addictive tendencies, can stem from feeling isolated, lonely, and disconnected from community. This has been made more evident in the last few years with the imposed isolation. If we are looking to build a new paradigm of healing, it must be based in genuinely connecting with others. We need to be with each other. Developing relationships, learning how to communicate empathically, and breaking through the culture of short attention spans is one of the most foundational pieces of health.

Intuitively driven, facilitated by well matched experts — When it comes to making health and healing decisions, using your intuition to do so is top priority. It’s your body. You’re the only one living in it, dealing with the consequences of your choices more intimately and in a more ongoing way than any expert’s opinion of what you should do. This is not to dismiss some of the superb advice out there. It’s simply taking it to the next level of new paradigm healing, with the EMPOWERED YOU at the helm of decision making around your body. An expert may have the most validated and sound advice. Is it right for you? Is that expert the right person for you to be working with? Your intuition will let you know. Intuition speaks to us in many ways, get to know how yours works for you. Discernment really is a superpower these days. Leaning on intuition to vet your health choices around what you do and who you do it with is non negotiable in the new paradigm of healing.

What other key principles would you add to this list?

A few last words on healing…

Healing isn’t always about prevention or intervention. It is a way of interacting with life; a dynamic way of being and working with what’s presenting. It is a way to develop your potential, purpose, and path. The way of healing is really the way of self-empowerment.

A new paradigm of healing is about tuning into what’s needed — now in this present moment, as a short term shift, and as a long term goal — for nurturing your potential and creating an optimal experience of life. From there, we have the blessed responsibility of taking this approach and embodying it, practicing what we preach, role modeling it, sharing it, inspiring others to do the same. That’s how we pay it forward, and that’s how we take back our power.

Thanks so much for reading and being part of my online community.



ⓒ Vanessa Smith 2022 All rights reserved. Stay in integrity and credit author when sharing.



Vanessa Smith - Energy Guidance (

Here to shift consciousness & build a new paradigm of healing with other transformational focused healer-teacher-messengers, creatives, & eco-guardians.